Dealing with dementia

Hello everyone:

I have a dear friend who is dealing with her mother’s dementia. It has taken a turn for the worse lately as this sweet, precious woman has become argumentative. Please keep in mind as you go through this: it’s not your fault. It’s part of the disease.

You may find that your loved one doesn’t want to eat the dinner you spent a lot of time preparing. Maybe he or she thinks that the spices you used are bugs. Maybe the fallout from the toast on his or her sandwich reminds the demented individual of ants and he or she will refuse to eat the sandwich. Perhaps you could encourage the person to eat the inside of the sandwich. While this is not ideal, at least it is getting the person to consume some calories.

You are being asked to demonstrate agape love and incredible patience. I pray that the Lord will keep you strong and help you finish the race with endurance. You are an amazing person. Thank you for helping someone who cannot help him or herself.

What stories can you share with others, to encourage them during this time? I would love to hear what you have to say that may help someone else get through this part of life.


Dr. Sheri

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